Our college will have a presence at several upcoming recruitment events and invite you to attend to learn more about our programs.
Get to Know Us
Prospective students should visit the website of the department(s) of interest to familiarize themselves with each program, identify potential faculty mentors, and learn about department-specific application processes.
Graduate Programs | Degree(s) Offered | Graduate Coordinator | Application Deadline |
Anthropology | MA, PhD | Adrienne Strong adrienne.strong@ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Astronomy | MS, PhD | Adam Ginsburg adamginsburg@ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Biology | MS, PhD, MST | Charles Baer biogc-l@lists.ufl.edu | DEC 1 |
Chemistry | MS, PhD | Aaron Aponick aponick@chem.ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Classics | MA, PhD | On campus program: Andrew Wolpert (Fall 24) vyates@ufl.edu Distance program: Velvet Yates vyates@ufl.edu | JAN 17 |
Economics | MA, PhD, BA/MA | Richard Romano romanor@ufl.edu | |
English | MFA, PhD | Sean Grass sean.grass@ufl.edu | JAN 15 |
Geography | MA, MS, PhD | Jason Blackburn graduatecoordinator@geog.ufl.edu | DEC 1 |
Geological Sciences | MS, PhD | John Jaeger jmjaeger@ufl.edu | JAN 15 |
History | MA, PhD, BA/MA | Max Deerdorff deardorff.max@ufl.edu | JAN 15 |
Languages, Literatures, & Cultures | MA, PhD | French: Gayle Zachmann zachmann@ufl.edu German: Eric Kligerman ekligerm@ufl.edu | |
Linguistics | MA, PhD, Grad. Minor | Stefanie Wulff swulff@ufl.edu | DEC 1 |
Mathematics | MS, PhD, MA/S in Teaching | Mike Jury mjury@ufl.edu | JAN 3 |
Philosophy | MA, PhD | Christopher Dorst cdorst@ufl.edu | JAN 3 |
Physics | MS, MST, PhD | Yoonseok Lee ysl@ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Political Science | MA, PhD, BA/MA, MA/JD | Michael Martinez martinez@ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Psychology | PhD | Darragh Devine dpdevine@ufl.edu | DEC 1 |
Religion | PhD | Bron Taylor bron@ufl.edu | JAN 15 |
Sociology and Criminology & Law | MA, PhD, MA/JD, BA/MA | Monika Ardelt ardelt@ufl.edu | JAN 15 |
Spanish and Portuguese Studies | MA, PhD | Jessi Elana Aaron grad-coord@spanish.ufl.edu | DEC 15 |
Statistics | MA, PhD, BA/MA | James Hobert staff@stat.ufl.edu | JAN 10 |
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies | MA, BA/MA, MA/JD | Kendal L. Broad (Fall 24) klbroad@ufl.edu | FEB 15 |
We would like to meet you
Representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will be attending several recruitment events during the academic year. Please explore our recruiting schedule to identify opportunities to speak with a UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences representative at an event.
If you are a university or corporate representative interested in having the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences participate in a recruitment event you are hosting, don’t hesitate to get in touch at dean@clas.ufl.edu.
Graduate Recruitment Events Across the U.S.
2024-25 Recruitment Schedule
Date | Event | Location |
Sept. 18 | University of Miami Graduate School Fair | Coral Gables, FL |
Sept. 19 | Fisk University | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN |
Sept. 20 | Tennessee State University | Nashville, TN |
Sept. 25 | Savannah State University Fall Career & Graduate School Fair | Savannah, GA |
Sept. 27 | University of South Florida, Healthcare, Education & Social Impact Career Fair | Tampa, FL |
Oct. 2 | NC A&T Graduate School Exploration Fair | Greensboro, NC |
Oct. 3 | NOBCCHE Career and Academic Expo | Orlando, FL |
Oct. 3-5 | American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) | San Antonio, TX |
Oct. 16 | University of Georgia | Athens, GA |
Oct. 17 | University of Central Florida Graduate/Professional School Fair | Orlando, FL |
Oct. 17-19 | Undergraduates Promoting Research, Opportunities, Professionalism, Education, and Leadership Conference (U-PROPEL Conference) | Los Angeles, CA |
Oct. 19 | California Forum | Riverside, CA |
Oct. 24 | Florida Atlantic University Graduate & Professional Fair | Boca Raton, FL |
Oct. 31 - Nov. 2 | National Diversity in STEM Conference (SACNAS) | Phoenix, AZ |
Oct. 31 - Nov. 3 | SREB Institute on Teaching and Mentoring | New Orleans, LA |
Nov. 13-16 | Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) | Pittsburg, PA |
TBD | Emerging Researchers’ National Conference in STEM | Washington, DC |
Apr. 7-9 | National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) | Pittsburg, PA |