- University College was abolished after a long and acrimonious struggle, and its faculty were absorbed into the College of Arts and Sciences, which was renamed the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences became responsible for the supervision of general education and for awarding the associate of arts certificate.
- Charles F. Sidman was hired as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He came to UF from the University of Kansas, where he served for 18 years as a professor of history and then as chair of the history department. Sidman was born in 1931 in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned a BA and MA in history from John Carroll University in Cleveland in 1953 and 1956, respectively. He received a PhD in history from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1960. At UF, Sidman served as dean of both the College of Arts and Sciences and University College and had the job of integrating the two colleges into the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. After stepping down as dean in 1988, Sidman taught German history in the Department of History before retiring in 1996. He currently resides in Gainesville.

- Construction of Ralph Turlington Hall was completed on the site of one of the first structures on the University of Florida campus. The building was originally called General Purpose Building A (GPA), but was renamed Ralph Turlington Hall in honor of the former State Education Commissioner and UF business professor. Today, Turlington Hall is home to the college dean’s office and to many of the College’s departments and programs.