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Dean’s Medal FAQ

For any additional questions not answered here, please contact us.

Questions about the application and notification process

  1. When should I apply for the medal?
    Please apply only in the semester in which you are graduating.
  2. If I’m graduating in 2 or 3 years, can I select the 2-year option?
    No, the Two-Year Medal is awarded to undergraduate CLAS majors who entered UF as upper-division transfer students. If you entered UF as a first-time-in-college freshmen, you should apply to the Four-Year Medal.
  3. When is the application deadline?
    The application closes at 11:59 p.m. on the date indicated on this page.
  4. I missed the deadline! Can I still apply?
    In rare cases of extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be made. Please contact us and explain a) why you would like to apply; and b) why you missed the deadline.
  5. I applied, but the page went blank. Did my application go through?
    If your application was submitted, you will receive an auto-generated email indicating this. If you did not receive that email within 10-15 minutes, your application did not go through. In that case, please contact us to confirm whether your application was received.
  6. I already submitted my application, but I want to see it. Is that possible?
    Yes, you can return to the application page and see what you entered.
  7. When will I be notified if I achieved the medal?
    The page you see upon submitting your application lists the date by which decisions will be communicated. That information is also in the auto-generated email you receive after submitting your application.
  8. When will I get my medal?
    There is a ceremony held each semester at which medals are given out. You will be notified about the details of the ceremony when you are notified that you will be receiving the award.
  9. What if I can’t attend the award ceremony? Will I still get my medal?
    If you are unable to attend the ceremony, you can arrange to pick up your medal from the CLAS Dean’s Office (2014 Turlington Hall) prior to graduation, in the expectation that you will wear it at your commencement ceremony.
  10. I received the Dean’s Medal, but my name is not on the recipient list on the website. Why not?
    We update the webpage regularly, but sometimes it takes us a few weeks to add the most recent award achievers. Please be patient.
  11. Questions about requirements and qualifications

  12. If I took a CLAS course at another school, can I use that to meet Dean’s Medal Requirements?
    No. You may not use courses satisfied with incoming credit or via non-UF coursework.
  13. I fulfilled my language requirement via exam or non-UF coursework, do I still have to take additional language here?
    Yes, you do. You may not use courses satisfied with incoming credit or via non-UF coursework.
  14. Where can I find a list of classes that can count toward the Dean’s Medal requirements?
    Three-credit courses that satisfy the UF general education requirements and/or meet the criteria indicated on this page, and that are taught in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences can count toward the requirements. In some cases, additional courses may fill the requirements, but there is no published list of these exceptions, given that the courses that are offered in any given term vary. Please contact us if you have questions about a specific course or requirement.
  15. Does the class have to have an approved General Education designation to be used toward the Dean’s Medal?
    Courses with approved General Education designations are those used to satisfy the medal requirements. However, if you believe a particular course satisfies the subject area requirements described on the General Education page, please contact us to determine if it could satisfy a specific requirement.
  16. Does course X satisfy requirement Y?
    If a course is not listed, and is not designated with the appropriate Gen Ed designation but you believe it should satisfy the requirement, please contact us to find out if it can count.
  17. How do I know if a class I took is taught by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?
    Please refer to the list of units found at (> Academics) to determine if the program offering the course is in our college.
  18. Do I have to take a class taught through the University Writing Program (UWP) to fulfill the professional communication requirement?
    No. UWP courses at the 2000-level or higher are one option for fulfilling the requirement, as are courses (at the 2000-level or higher) offered through the Dial Center for Speech and Communication Studies, but a variety of other courses may satisfy this requirement as well. Please refer to the list on this page, or contact us with specific questions.
  19. What kinds of activities will satisfy the experiential learning component?
    The experiential learning component can be satisfied by successful completion of an internship, individual research, senior thesis, service-learning course, study abroad, or paid work experience of at least a summer or semester.
  20. Does my experiential learning component have to be taken for credit?
    No, earned course credit is not necessary to demonstrate completion of the experiential learning requirement.
  21. Can I use the same class to count toward multiple requirements (e.g., Humanities, and Communication, and International/Diversity)?
    Courses that fulfill multiple requirements may be used to satisfy many of those requirements. For example, courses that fulfill the International and/or Diversity area or the professional communication requirement can also fulfill other Gen Ed areas, as can many foreign language courses. Note, though, that the same course cannot be used to satisfy more than one of the following requirements: Physical Science/Biological Science/Mathematics; Humanities; Social and Behavioral Science.
  22. Can courses I’m taking for my major also be used to satisfy the Dean’s Medal requirements?
    Yes, any course used toward the CLAS Dean’s Medal may overlap with courses used toward the completion of a major, minor, or certificate.
  23. What are my Professional Communications course options?
    Options include:

    • A 3-credit ENC course at the 2000-level or higher
    • A 3-credit Dial Center for Speech and Communication Studies course at the 2000-level or higher (prefixes COM, SPC)
    • Coursework for the Innovation Minor (either track)
    • A discipline-specific course (3 credits or more) focusing on oral or written communication, such as:
      • ANT 3860, Writing in Anthropology
      • PHI 3693, Ethics of Communication
      • POS 4931, Creative Teamwork
      • SYA 4506, Writing in Sociology
    • Foreign language courses focusing on professional interaction, translation, or public speaking, such as:
      • ARA 3241, Spoken Arabic
      • ARA 4422, Arabic-English Translation
      • CHW 4150, Translation: Chinese to English
      • FOT 4803, Foreign Language Translation for the Professions
      • FRE 3410, French Conversation and Interaction
      • FRE 3440, Commercial French
      • GER 3232, German Text Translation and Generation I
      • GER 3413, German Listening, Comprehension, and Speaking
      • GER 3440, German in Business
      • HBR 3440, Translation in Israeli Media
      • ITA 3243, Italian Conversation
      • JPN 4415, Japanese Translation: Theory and Practice
      • POR 3451, Introduction to Portuguese Translation and Interpretation
      • POR 3243, Composition and Conversation
      • RUS 3240, Oral Practice in Russian
      • RUS 4502, Language and Culture of the Russian Business World
      • RUS 4503 or 4504, Theory and Practice of Russian-English Translation
      • SPN 3036, Spanish for the Health Professions
      • SPN 3414, Advanced Spanish Conversation 2
      • SPN 3440, Commercial Spanish
      • SPN 3443, Marketing and Advertising in the Spanish-Speaking World
      • SPN 3451, Spanish Translation: Bridging Cultures
      • SPN 3831, Spanish for the Legal Professions