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G-Cultural Environmental Justice Poetry Slam

November 9, 2020 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Register Here

What does Global-Cultural Environmental Justice mean to you? How might it be imagined? What might it concern specifically? How might we work in its direction with our language and actions? How might we go about actually making it?

The above questions are intended only to provide a general thematic orientation, not to constrain the creative process. The goal is to connect your concerns about what is going on with our environment with poetic language and/as concrete action in a video of its performance.

Your poetry can be in verse or free-form, recited or put to music and sung. Video-record yourself as if you were on a stage and the phone or webcam were your microphone. You can dress up your background as your “stage” however you might like, not at all, or have a natural background outside; no extra bells, whistles, or video effects beyond this are expected or required. Your video-taped Poetry-Slam performance should not exceed five minutes.

A submission consists of a poetic text in one or more languages and a URL link to the video performance of it.

Submissions will be accepted in the following categories:

  • One Prize for Best Individual UF Effort in a Single Language: $200 Prize
  • One Prize for Best Collaborative UF Effort in a Single Language: $300 Prize
  • One Prize for Best Individual UF Effort in Multiple Languages: $200 Prize
  • One Prize for Best Collaborative UF Effort in Multiple Languages: $300 Prize
  • One Prize for Best Collaborative Effort in a Single Language or in Multiple Languages from a Florida Public Secondary School: $500 Prize
  • Five Prizes for Best Individual or Collaborative UF Efforts involving the Recitation of Existing Poetry in any Language(s) involving Environmental Justice:  five $100 Prizes

Send submissions in the form of your poetry text and a URL for its performance to symposium organizers Terry Harpold ( or Will Hasty ( by October 25 at midnight. We hope to receive submissions in as many different languages as possible. If you plan on using a less common language, please be in touch in advance with the organizers to make sure it can be considered, as we will not be able to consider submissions in languages for which we are unable to obtain assessments within our constrained timeframe.

Prize winners will be announced and appear at the livestreamed Online Slam Event on November 9.

Contact symposium organizers Terry Harpold ( or Will Hasty ( with any questions.

Warm up for the Slam by posting your own Eco- or Sustainability-Poetry (whether you plan to submit it to the contest or not), or that of others, on the event-specific website by clicking here.


November 9, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:


Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Link (Opens in New Tab)